Evaluation of the agent’s work

In an outgoing survey, generated from an answered IVR call or in a web survey initiated at the end of an answered IVR call or in a web survey initiated at the end of a chat session in CallGuide, the customer can get a question such as ”How did you feel you were treated by the agent?”. If you, in CallGuide Survey, have marked that the survey question shall be used for Agent evaluation – survey, the agent having handled the call or chat can be connected to the specific answer and in a support function in CallGuide Agent see his own statistics, that is personal opinions from the customers having answered exactly that question.

In telephony surveys you can in advance configure which contacts that shall be offered the survey. Information about which customers that will be answering questions afterwards, is not seen by the agents, making it sure that this does not affect the result.

To produce agent statistics after customer handling in other contact media such as email, special coding in CallGuide Email Interface is required. You can order this from Telia Company.

Agent evaluation specifics in CallGuide Survey

What specifically concerns agent evaluation in CallGuide Survey is the following:

System identity

Under the User/Companytab there is a system identity for your CallGuide system. The system identity is used between different sub products in CallGuide, and is required for the agent evaluation function to function. If you also have a test system this can be regarded as another company in the User/Company | Edit company view but with the same system identity. Your system identity is created by your Telia Company representative but is also configured in CallGuide Admin, in a system parameter.

Questions and limitations

When you make new questions where the customers are to rate the agents, you checkmark the check-box Seen in Agent evaluation – surveyspecifying whether goal achievement shall be calculated from an average value or from the percentage having specified a specific value in their survey answers.

The questions that will be generating agent statistics must be of the single choice question type and can contain a maximum of eleven (11) reply alternatives. In each survey there can be up to five (5) single choice questions providing statistics for separate agents. These limitations are there to make it possible to follow up the answers and because too many reply alternatives are downright unsuitable in telephony surveys.

If a survey that will only be used as a telephony survey shall be included in Agent evaluation – survey, the questions must be completed with question text (that are really only required for web surveys). Otherwise the agent cannot see what the question is about in CallGuide Agent.

It is not always an agent’s user name is connected to a survey, even if you have configured everything correctly. In the cases when several agents have co-operated during one single contact, it is not advisable to display the result in one agent’s Agent evaluation – survey, because it is not clear which agent the customer has evaluated. No specific agent is therefore connected to survey replies that have been generated after

Follow-up of agents evaluation questions

You see right away which surveys that have agent evaluation questions, as these have an 440 agent icon next to it, in all views where survey lists are seen.

Under Analyse | Data table you find an Agent column, where you for each question see the user names of the agents affected by the evaluation.

Further information about the agent evaluation function is found in the document . For those within Telia Company who will assist in connecting CallGuide Survey to a contact center solution, there is the more detailed document Configuration Instructions CallGuide Survey.

System parameters for surveys with agent evaluation

In order for the Agent evaluation - survey to function, the following system parameters must be specified in CallGuide Admin, the System parameters… menu, the Interfaces tab:


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB